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When They Connect And Connive In Chambers Of Crookedness

CHRIST’s painful journey to the CROSS was met with much deception, CONSPIRACY, and betrayal. Yet, Jesus who knew the plan CONTINUED to love, be kind, heal, forgive, and preach the Kingdom. He never once allowed the CIRCUMSTANCES he encountered nor the CONTRADICTING opposition from His enemies to dictate or deviate him off COURSE.

When the people in your life, those whom you have CALLED friends, fall asleep during your greatest hour of need or when those you rub shoulders with COLLABORATE to betray you and when those with whom you have broken bread with COLLUDE against you, this is the time for Jesus to be the CENTER of your stage.

You see, in your COMMISSION to fulfilling your assignment in Christ, you will face some villains, yet, you must stay COMMITTED to His CAUSE. You must CARRY and bear the CHARGE like a good soldier in season and out of season and even under the darkest of CLOUDS.

There is no CIRCUMVENTING your enemies, and you will meet them head on. For they purposely CONNECT to CONNIVE and CONSULT in the CHAMBERS of CROOKEDNESS. They are CRITICAL, CRUEL, and CONFESS that they would rather see you CRUCIFIED than CELEBRATED. Like CANCER on its mission, they are CORRUPTED and COMPELLED to CARRY on shrouded in CRAFTY CLOAKS of COURTESY and CORDIAL COMPANIONSHIP, but in reality, their modus operandi are CONJURED and birthed from the CAULDRONS of COVETOUSNESS, CONTEMPT, and CRITICISM.

Their CLAWS are drenched in the poisonous COUNSELS of CONCEIT and specifically designed to CUT and CRIPPLE your assignment. In the darkness of CANNY CORRIDORS, they whisper and CONSORT. Like CONDEMNED CRIMINALS, they CLEVERLY CREEP around in COMPOUNDS in hopes to strengthen their COLONIES.

These CLEVER CIRCLES COERCE, COMPEL, and CONVERT others into their CUNNING CLAIMS as their ultimate goal is to CONTROL. Their CONSORTION blinds them to CAVORT and make merry before their time because they believe in their hearts they finally have you CORNERED.

But one thing they fail is to COMPREHEND – I had to shout a hallelujah right about here – that the CHILD of GOD is COVERED and CONCEALED under the precious Blood of CHRIST and though the CUP of his journey has been bitterly hard, there is a COVENANTIAL CONTRACT that doth exist. It is a signed, sealed, and sanctified Divine Order by the CREATOR Himself; one that was CELESTIALLY thought out and orchestrated before the foundations of the world and one that the enemy knew not of.

On the CONTRARY, it is while you are hanging on your CROSS and it is when they have put you in your COFFIN and they think that you are dead that the Presence of the LORD COMES in and sabotages and CRASHES the party. His Presence comes in and abruptly and unexpectedly interrupts their CEREMONIOUS CLATTER. For the Bible declares that those that rise up against thee, it is He, the LORD that will CONFUSE and bring CONFOUNDMENT.

It is the power of GOD that will CAUSE a COLLAPSE in their CONQUEST to pull the CARPET from under your feet. It is the power of the resurrected CHRIST that will CALL you and COMMAND you to COME out of the dark CAVE they threw you into. It is the power of the Holy Ghost that will shine and CLOTHE you in His Righteousness.

Yes, it is the LORD who goes before us. He is our COMPANION. He is our COMMANDER and CHIEF. He is Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last, and there will be nothing done in secret that GOD will not bring to light and expose. For He reveals the profound and secret hidden things and He knows what is in the darkness.

This CALL, however, will COST you. It will COST you your reputation. It will COST you your popularity. It will CAUSE you some pain and disappointment. It will COST you your very life. But oh, the reward that He bestows upon His CHOSEN and the COURAGE He gives to those who answer the CALL. It is with great CERTAINTY the LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge and He is our hope and the glory and the lifter of our heads. ~Narda Goodson, 2019 Daily Doses of Gospel PiLLs, WORD Central Station #1419

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