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To the Spiritual House of Eli, the LORD is Warning You

As ministry pastors and leaders,we need to pay more attention and know what’s coming in and out of our ministry houses and those we permit to stand to represent the ministry.

It doesn't matter what kind of talent or prophetic gifting a person may have because he could be handsome but whorish. She could be cute but careless. He could be talented but a thief.

The Levites serving in the house had to be consecrated and set apart. Back in the day, the high priest was struck dead on the spot if he dared to think he could enter into the Holy of Holies carelessly. He had to wear bells at the bottom of his priestly garment. The sound of the bells meant life. So, no bells meant no life for the high priest.

Now, because the possibility of a high priest dying for his mistakes inside the temple existed, we must then ask how would one get him out since NO ONE was allowed to enter into the Holy of Holies (Exodus 28:35). While the Scriptures doesn't give us evidence of a "rope" around the waist or ankle, Jewish tradition believes that if the high priest had made a mistake and died in the temple, he would be dragged out by the "sash" or "rope" around his waist. Imagine that!

Ananias and Sapphira dropped dead because they conspired together and in fibbing to Peter, they had actually lied to the Holy Ghost. Talk about "little white lies". It cost them both their lives (Acts 5).

Uzza was struck dead for touching the Ark of the Covenant. In his story, he thought he could just handle GOD and His business in a common, ordinary way. His probable familiarity bred contempt as being in the presence of the Ark could have very likely made him forget the holiness that it represented (2 Samuel 6).

Lot's wife was turned into a pillar of salt for her disobedience (1 Chronicles 13).

Phinehas and Hophni, sons of Eli the High Priest served as priests in the tabernacle, but they took advantage of their position and authority by "hustling" the sacrifices and the people and totally disregarding the protocol. They also had illicit sex with women who came to worship at the temple (1Samuel 2).

Today, we’ve got actors performing and hirelings in every department. Unclean hands handling the LORD's Supper without regard and fear. The list goes on. We've got men and women who have posted a price for their heads or they won't "show up". So now, we've gone from #preaching the Gospel to #pimping it!

Pastors and leaders, quit settling for people who carry the gift but have no character, no integrity and no roots because in essence what you are indirectly teaching these upcoming future leaders is that you can live any kind of lifestyle and still handle GOD's business without regard to holiness, honor, and reverence.

No! People aren't perfect, but the Scriptures give us a standard in 1 Timothy 3:8-11 and they wouldn't have been given if they couldn't be met.

The criteria for those working and holding offices and positions in your ministries is maturity, faithfulness, truth, honor, and credibility. Men and women need accountability and those in office or position should be held accountable to a higher standard ON AND OFF DUTY (not that we are ever off duty-but you get what I mean). In fact, it states that they should FIRST be tested to see if they are above reproach (discredit; disgrace).

You're constant grabbing at straws because of the "gift" ends up burning the reputation of the church because in your leadership, you fail to follow the standards set.

My goodness! Even the world has a work code of ethics and behavior established by which they stand by and won’t tolerate neither hesitate to fire you on the spot for being out of compliance or for misrepresenting their image or company. How is it that the world can keep to a standard and the Church who is suppose to represent and lead the world into the light is looking like a hot mess?

If you represent a ministry, you need to represent it in reverence, honor, and in the spirit of excellence like a true ambassador of the LORD Jesus Christ so that you neither bring shame or disgrace to the ministry, the spiritual house you dwell in, and discredit and disrespect the platform you stand on.

I pray that leaders will use wisdom before giving the wheels to these reckless novices and sit them down long enough so they can grow some roots because self discipline IS A requirement for ministry leadership.

Many of your people are out here looking crazy. Totally misrepresenting the Kingdom, your ministries, placing stumbling blocks in front of weaker ones, and in truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, they need to be sat down.

Now, after hearing this Word, if you fail to examine your team of leadership and correct those things that need to be corrected, remember that Eli died because he refused to discipline his sons who were part of working in the ministry but were scoundrels.

The people you pick to be on your team is suppose to enhance, protect, and guard the sacredness and integrity of the Scriptures and the vision, mandate, and ministry the LORD gave to you. Remember, his sons died too.

Remember that it was a man of GOD that revealed the judgment that was coming to his house. All of Israel suffered as a result. Could it be that because there is "sin in the camp", your ministry isn't prevailing and advancing? Time to check your tents! He that has an ear let him hear what the Spirit is saying to the Church. ~2019 Narda Goodson

Scriptures to Meditate on:

1 Timothy 3:8-11 8Deacons likewise must be dignified, not double-tongued or given to much wine or greedy for money. 9They must hold to the mystery of the faith with a clear conscience. 10Additionally, they must first be tested. Then, if they are above reproach, let them serve as deacons. 11In the same way, the women must be dignified, not slanderers, but temperate and faithful in all things.

Acts 6:3 - Therefore, brethren, select from among you seven men of good reputation, full of the Spirit and of wisdom, whom we may put in charge of this task.

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